Turnover: How Lame-Duck Governments Disrupt the Bureaucracy and Service Delivery before Leaving Office

Electoral accountability is fundamental to representative democracy. Yet, it can also be costly for governance because it generates turnover among bureaucrats (not just politicians) and disrupts the delivery of public services. Previous studies on …

How Patronage Delivers: Political Appointments, Bureaucratic Accountability, and Service Delivery in Brazil

The political appointment of bureaucrats is typically seen as jeopardizing development by selecting worse types into the bureaucracy or by depressing bureaucratic effort. I argue that political appointments also affect outcomes through a third, less …

Bureaucratic Politics: Blind Spots and Opportunities in Political Science

Bureaucracy is everywhere. Unelected bureaucrats are a key link between government and citizens, between policy and implementation. Bureaucratic politics constitutes a growing share of research in political science. But the way bureaucracy is studied …

Competence versus Priorities: Negative Electoral Responses to Education Quality in Brazil

Do voters reward politicians for the quality of public services? We address this question by studying voters' responses to signals of municipal school quality in Brazil, a setting particularly favorable to electoral accountability. Findings from a …

Immigrant Organizations as Civil Society: A Three-Dimensional Analysis

This article examines immigrant organizations from three perspectives: their relationships with public authorities, the system of relationships established among these organizations, and their degree of internal participation. My principal aim is to …